The string after the double equals == in the if statement is the test value. It is the value we're testing for.
Change the test value to "a".
Change the string in the .set_text() command to "Great job!"
Now, we're testing if the variable choice is equal to the string "a".If it is, we tell the user "Great job!"
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sprite = codesters.Sprite("person10")
sprite.go_to(-125, -100)
emma = codesters.Sprite("person8")
emma.say("Someone took my phone!")
emma.say("They've been sending people mean texts pretending to be me!")
sprite.say("What should I do?")
choice = sprite.ask("a) tell a trusted adult b) tell people Emma is sending the messages c) ignore Emma")
# text = codesters.Text("text", x, y)
text = codesters.Text("Hello up here.", 0, 200)
if choice == "yes":
# add your code here
sprite.say("I am a sprite.")
t = codesters.Teacher()
tval1 = t.find_block('if')[0][1].replace(' ' ,'')
tval2 = t.get_indent_at_line(t.find_block('if')[0][0])
tval1 = "DNE"
tval2 = "DNE"
param = t.find_function('set_text')
tval3 = t.find_function('set_text')[0][1].replace(' ', '').lower()
tval4 = t.get_indent_at_line(t.find_text('set_text')[0][0])
tval3 = "DNE"
tval4 = "DNE"
#print tval1, tval2, tval3, tval4
#print param
t1 = TestObjective()
t1.add_success('ifchoice=="a":' in tval1, "Great job!")
t1.add_failure(tval1 == "DNE", "Did you add an if statement?")
t1.add_failure('"a"' not in tval1, 'Did you change the test value to "a"?')
t1.add_failure('"yes"' in tval1, 'Make sure you change the test value in the if statement to "a".')
t2 = TestObjective()
t2.add_success('greatjob' in tval3 and tval4 == 4, "Great job!")
t2.add_failure(tval3 == "DNE", "Did you delete the Set Text command?")
t2.add_failure('greatjob' not in tval3, "Did you change the string in the set text command?")
t2.add_failure(tval4 == 0, "Make sure your Set Text command is indented 4 spaces inside your if statement.")
tester = TestManager()
tester.add_test_list([t1, t2])
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